Hi, My name is Nico Naranjo and I'm a freelance illustrator in love with adventure and nature. I like to use my character designs as a vehicle to tell stories and a touch of humour to connect with the reader. I combine my work for the children's book market with my passion for teaching, at Voxel School where I always learn something from my students and their new vissions.

I live in a little house full of plants and books in Madrid, where I graduated in Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense.

Selected Clients

SM . Anaya . Editorial Planeta . Dibbuks . Ankama . Nuevo Nueve . Europe Comics

Telepizza . La Tribu Ediciones


Europe Comics . Zona NegativaAkihabara Station . ASDE España . Via News . Periódico Hortaleza



Madrid Comic POP UP


FIBD (Agoulême)


Fête de la BD (Brussels)

Val en Bulles (Valenciennes)

Feria del libro de Fuenlabrada


Declics (Angoulême)

TCAF (Toronto)

Feria del Libro de Madrid 


Presentación de La Patrulla tucán (Esdip, Madrid)

Ficomic (Barcelona)

Feria del libro de Madrid


Japan Weekend (Valencia)

Expomanga (Madrid)

Graf (Madrid)

Expocómic (Madrid)

Presentación de El Taller 3ª Temporada (Esdip, Madrid)